More than just a wear.
Enable expression, cherish individuality #LikeNoOther
Every day we are searching for new ways to inspire, and allow individuals in need of prosthetic wears, with the means to personalize them. We work closely with prosthetists and clinics to provide state of the art digital tools and innovative options for their users. We are revolutionizing our industry… and we are only getting started.
Through the eyes of UNYQers
We change lives
Trusted by more than 700 clinics and thousands of users worldwide
Our pillars

Design innovation
Human centerd design is at the core of our company. We are the leader in digitalized prosthetic wears, partnering with numerous R&D partners and universities to come up with the best possible solutions.

Seamless digital experience
We rely on up-to-date technology to provide service all over the world. Worlds’ #1 app for prosthetics launched in 2014. With it, we are able to reach even remotely located amputees..

Global clinical experience
Every year we ship over 10,000 units to more than 700 clinics, in 50 countries. Every year the number of clinics and UNYQers rises, and we are looking forward to expanding further.

We hold community at the heart of our company. People are our driving force, and it is for them that we strive to create.
Our locations
Where we are