Amputees lifestyle – Our challenges make us unique.

Miriam is a German Medical device consultant who thinks that our challenges make us unique.
21 décembre 2023 par

Miriam Siepe UNYQer Interview

Miriam is a German Medical device consultant who thinks that our challenges make us unique.

She defines herself as a balanced and good-natured person who does not hesitate to live every moment to its fullest, whether she’s hanging out with friends and family dancing, enjoying a delicious meal or an exquisite glass of wine.

Read here the full interview and send us an email to if you want to share your story with us too.

"The way we deal with our challenges makes us unique"

Each of us has a personal life story that makes us unique, what is yours?

After a train accident 11 years ago I was deeply sad that I thought I wouldn’t be able to dance again, and time has proven me that I was wrong!

At first, I was quite ashamed of my body and couldn’t be more frightened about confronting my children with the fact that I lost my legs. But fortunately they reacted calmly, even curious, and an hour later, they were playing around my wheelchair.

Now, I am more relaxed with it and fully at peace that I do not hide myself in any way. Also, people are interested and impressed that I didn’t let my amputation restrict me from any activities as I go dancing, ride my horses and play with my dogs.

Finally, as I experienced real hard times as a bilateral amputee, I understand that the way you choose to deal with it makes a difference, so definetely our challenges make us unique. Today we all sometimes make jokes about my prosthesis and I think that is a way to handle such a stroke of fate. Joking helps not to take life too seriously!

"I thought I wouldn’t be able to dance again, and time has proven me that I was wrong!"

Miriam’s wearing a UNYQ cover Flow design in Carbon (front) and Silver (back) from the C-Collection.

How do you handle self-acceptance? What is your biggest inspiration in life?

Although I thought I would be in a wheelchair for the rest of my life, once again, I was wrong! When I saw Aimee Mullins (amputee model) in a fashion magazine I was taken by her beauty and nonchalance, it was as if she was floating down the runway with her prosthesis. That was the moment that inspired me.

I can honestly say then that I love my body for all it has taken me through, but of course I have to still deal with my self-acceptance. However, I’m proud of how I’m managing things.

I’m alive and grateful, and thanks to my sister I found a place to dance and I overcame myself and signed in. I was very surprised that it worked! Not every type of dance, but some were possible and it was a lot of fun!

As I dealt with death so closely it has motivated me to keep going on, to share my experience with other people, who perhaps aren’t so happy with their lives, who perhaps have more restrictions or no family, who cares for them.

I’d say I’m inspired by active people like me and paralympic athletes. But also by people in other hard situations in non developed countries and how they manage their situation. They seem happier and more grateful than us sometimes.

"If I had to give advice to other amputees that would be: Be yourself and be confident. You are the only one who has it in your hands and decides whether to live an insignificant and isolated life or go out and grab life with your hands and make the best of it"

Our challenges make us unique

What does wearing UNYQ Covers mean to you?

A friend once told me about the UNYQ covers so I quickly went to my prosthetist to start the process. Since then, I wear them every day and absolutely love them.

For instance, what I like the most about them is the wide variety of designs and colors to suit everyone’s style. They really help me feel stylish and sporty, and I have received many compliments from people, who are blown away by such «spicy» covers. In fact, a friend once told me: «You look like a bionic woman».

Finally, I had the chance to see and touch the flexible UNYQ covers at OTW Leipzig 2022 which was a highlight for me, as I am quite active. Hence, I think flexibility is a great advantage for many users.

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