UNYQ receives ONCE’s Solidarity Awards

UNYQ has been awarded as a solidarity company by Grupo Social ONCE for our contribution to the inclusion and awareness of amputee community.
21 décembre 2023 par

This week our company, UNYQ, has received the Solidary Company Award from Grupo Social ONCE Andalucía, and all our team feel honored to be recognized for their work for the disability community.

Inclusion, empathy, listening, awareness, dedication. Values of ONCE organization that have been at UNYQ’s core since we started this adventure:

  • Inclusion – we are all #unyq #likenoother
  • Empathy – with our community and surrounding.
  • Listening – to the amputee’s needs of expression.
  • Awareness – of the value, uniqueness and capabilities of every person.
  • Dedication – to our #unyqers around the world

Our CEO and cofounder Eythor Bender with our UNYQer Flore Espina and Manuel Bo COO of UNYQ received the Grupo Social ONCE Andalucia Solidarity Award on the behalf of the UNYQ team.

Una de nuestras #unyqers, Flore Espina, nos acompañó en el evento luciendo su UNYQ Cover - Cocoon Rossegold glossy

Inclusion and conciousness through expression

ONCE is one of the biggest organization in Spain, our base country, for the inclusion of disabled people in terms of employment, accessibility and services. Since its foundation 8 decades ago, focused on blind people, this organization has expanded their vision to others as well, being now focused on the awareness of all the different capabilities and values that our beloved community brings to the society.

At UNYQ, our passion is helping part of this community, the amputees in need of prosthetic devices, to express themselves in a unique way and switch the perception of society from stigma to empathy: we are all unique, different and wonderful, no matter what.

Thanks to ONCE organization for this award, and to our passionate team and our UNYQer community that are the real reasons and winners of this award.

Watch the full event here >

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